Cycle Your Way Fit

If you are one of those people who love the outdoors, the scenery, the fresh breeze, then you should really consider taking up cycling. Cycling is one of the easiest ways to burn calories, which reduces the body’s fat as well as greatly improving cardiovascular health. One can burn up to 500 calories in a single session of intense riding. The number of calories burnt however does depend on the cyclist’s body weight.
In intense cycling or while cycling uphill, you get to thoroughly exercise the large and small muscles in the legs. The leg’s large muscles are referred to as the quadriceps and hamstring. The calf muscles are the leg’s small muscles. While cycling, blood flow is increased in these muscles in order to provide them with the vital energy and oxygen needed for the physical activity. This causes the heart to beat harder which translates to an increase in the body’s metabolic rate.
A high metabolic rate means an increase in the rate at which calories are burnt. The outcome is a reduction in the body’s fat reserves. Calories will continue to burn even after the cycling session is over. This is because it takes a while for the body’s metabolic rate to slow down. The outcome of repeated intense cycling is the development of the leg muscles and a leaner body.
Cycling not only helps develop the leg muscles but also develops other muscles in the body. For instance, the abdominal and back muscles also strengthen considerably. This means the body’s central core is also developed. Normal everyday chores such as mowing the lawn and carrying groceries noticeably become easier as the body’s muscles become stronger.
Cycling is a useful tool in reducing and maintaining body weight. If weight loss is main aim for taking up cycling, then it’s wise to start with a light regimen. This will allow for gradual weight loss which prevents straining of the body’s muscle tissues. The intensity of the cycling sessions can be increased gradually as the body becomes leaner. This approach is vital in order to achieve long term success. It is important to ensure your sessions are consistent. Long lapses from cycling can result in the regaining of weight.
To start off, a weight loss of a pound a week is an achievable and realistic target. To achieve this, you would have to burn at least 3500 calories in an interval of seven days. This translates to 500 calories everyday. It is advisable to start with a long and light session regimen rather than a short and intense cycling session if you are a beginner. This will help you to maintain the regimen. Starting out with an intense cycling session will make it hard to replicate in subsequent sessions. For instance, a light cycling session could involve cycling for one hour while covering a two kilometer route.
After establishing a regular cycling regimen then dietary changes can be considered. The cycling formula is rather simple: Better eating leads to better cycling which leads to a better body. For one should thus increase whole foods in your diet while removing junk foods from your diet. This includes vegetables, whole grains and fruits. Once the changes become part of your daily regimen, the only possible outcome is a health strong body.